Mary Lou Williams Video and Deanna's June dates in Pittsburgh

Here's new video from Jazz Congress 2019, where I gave a six-minute pitch on my 2021 book/concert tour, Mary Lou Williams: Music for the Soul.I've been working steadily on my Mary Lou Williams biography (of the same title) to be published by Liturgical Press in late 2020. Rather than just book author appearances, I will be booking a concert/book tour. After all, the whole point of writing about Williams is to pique readers' curiosity enough to listen to her music!AND: For those of you in Pittsburgh, I'll be returning to your welcoming city to teach three days of workshops on Williams's life and music from June 18-20 at the Pittsburgh Summer Institute (register here!).I'll also perform an all-Williams program on June 23 at Alphabet City at 6 pm with Jeff Grubbs on bass and Thomas Wendt on drums. The concert is free, but you must RSVP here.


When Joy Overflows into Music


Gigs in MN and NYC: 4/29 in Collegeville, MN; 5/3 in Nyack, NY; 5/13-17 in NYC